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Urban TV Network Corp (OTC PINK:URBT) is expanding into cryptocurrency mining, having earned its first dollar during the proof-of-concept stage. The company plans to invest in approximately 200 high-powered computer systems to boost mining operations. Concerned about environmental impacts, URBT aims to use renewable energy sources for its mining activities. Leader of the crypto team, Kimberly Douglas, emphasizes the importance of decentralized finance. CEO Joseph Collins expresses confidence in the company's new direction amidst a recovering crypto market.
URBT stocks have experienced a rally following the announcement of its crypto mining operations, led by crypto expert Kimberly Douglas, starting November 1, 2021. Urban Television Network Corp (OTC PINK:URBT) aims to break into the cryptocurrency market by targeting Bitcoin and Ethereum mining. The company has invested in 200 high-powered mining systems. The current cryptocurrency market's optimism, with analysts predicting Bitcoin could reach $100,000 by year-end, has bolstered investor confidence.
Urban Television Network Corp. (URBT) is set to launch a cryptocurrency mining operation on November 1, 2021, targeting Bitcoin and Ethereum. This move marks URBT's entry into the digital currency sector, with around 200 high-powered mining systems that utilize renewable energy. CEO Joseph Collins emphasized the potential for growth in the digital money market, aiming to leverage the company’s user base and enhance revenue. This initiative aligns with URBT's vision of integrating cryptocurrency into its offerings, presenting opportunities for investors in the booming crypto space.
Urban Television Network Corporation (OTC PINK:URBT) has achieved "PINK" status on OTC Markets, officially announced by CEO Joseph Collins on February 12, 2021. This upgrade indicates that URBT is current with financial disclosures, enhancing its appeal to investors. The company is also in negotiations to acquire a movie studio complex for approximately $30 million, positioning URBT as a significant player in independent media. Additionally, URBT offers a subscription service, URBTPlus, targeting the urban community with streaming content.
Urban Television Network Corp. (OTC PINK:URBT) has acquired over 150 live international channels, launching URBTPlus to enhance its streaming offerings. Priced at $9.98 monthly, the platform features diverse content in multiple languages, including ad-free movies and live sporting events. This expansion aims to attract global users while catering to families with subscription plans allowing up to three profiles. As URBT prepares to file its financials since 2006, this initiative could signify a strategic growth opportunity for investors.